Disclaimer: Before starting any exercise program, please consult with your healthcare provider. By participating in these videos, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk. The creator of these videos is not liable for any injuries or health issues that may result from engaging in the exercises demonstrated. It is essential to listen to your body, modify exercises as needed, and stop any activity if you experience pain or discomfort. Always prioritize your safety and well-being.
Weigthed Balls
Strengthening class suitable for beginners, focusing on hip strength & mobility. Building upper body strength through weight bearing on upper limbs & using small hand weights.
58 minutes
Thoracic Mobility & Neck Strengthening
A mixed level strength and mobility class designed to release, specifically, the mid back by mobilising the spine into extension, flexion & rotation.
64 minutes
Core 'Cylinder of Support' Class
A basic to intermediate class targeting deep stabilising muscles in the tummy and back emphasising the importance of connecting to these muscles to provide a safe, supportive core to exercise from.
64 minutes
Soft Ball or Cushion
Beginner/Intermediate class focusing on shoulder blade placement & mobility, lower & upper abdominal strengthening & hip/glute strength.
62 minutes
Shoulder & Neck Strengthening
A mixed level class targeting deep postural muscles in the shoulders and neck.
57 minutes
Shoulder Strengthening & Glutes!
58 minutes
Hip Strengthening, Lower Abs & Spinal Mobility
50 minutes
Express Abdominals
A short sequence of abdominal muscle strengthening exercises, focusing on deep tummy muscle connection to build a strong core of stability to function from.
20 minutes